CTR Ring Shop.com Blog!

My name is Brandon and I am the owner of CTR Ring Shop.com, a website that sells CTR rings. I created this blog because in the process of selling CTR rings, I had the opportunity hear so many inspiring CTR ring related stories. I figured there are enough Latter-day Saints with uplifting stories that could inspire so many others, as they have me. Through these stories, we can truly learn what CTR means. Feel free to share your story and check back often, as a new story will be posted as often as often as possible! Enjoy!


Heavenly Father's Way of Signaling

For me, CTR is what got me to join the church. When I was younger, one of my peers had been wearing a ring in class, and I questioned him on what CTR meant. He told me it was an abbreviation for "Choose the Right." When I got home, I thought about what that meant, and I could not get it out of my mind. After a few minutes of thought, I decided to look online for a solution. I came to learn about the church, and out of curiosity, I began to play with that particular friend a lot more. So, when I had gone over to his house for lunch, his mother asked me about my religion. I replied, "I don't have one." She questioned me about my thoughts about church and lectured me on what this church meant and what they believed. That Sabbath day, I joined my friend at church, and came to attend every single Sunday from that day on. I believe it was my Heavenly Father's way of signaling to me that this church is the true church.


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